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Parents' statements

Here is what parents say about us:


‘Well organised and everything is done with thought and love. Our child loves coming here, which makes us happy’
‘Very loving and attentive, very child-led, non-judgemental; varied, cheerful.’
‘Engaging with children, playing a lot outdoors, encouraging children to develop their skills, food very varies and plentiful’
‘Staff is overall very caring and attentive with the kids and engage them in interesting activities throughout the day. Children are happy and settled well in the nursery and make friends. The nursery seems very pleasant and cohesive environment’
‘Providing a warm, welcoming and safe environment for children to develop in. I like how affectionate you are with the children and seem to genuinely care about them as individuals and their educational and emotional development. The food is great, the variety of activities is excellent. Keep up the good work’
‘My daughter has thoroughly enjoyed going to The Spanish Nursery during her first week and their attitude has really made the settling-in period rather easy, especially with all the love and support from all the teachers who have been amazing! The registration process very straightforward and stress-free--- so thank you all for that!
“It was really useful to sit down and discuss her activities at the nursery and how she is reaching her developmental goals. We love how happy she is and we are delighted that she attends The Spanish Nursery.”
“My child has been welcomed at The Spanish Nursery with great happiness and care. He is happy to join in everyday and is growing in confidence, is keen to explore and learn about new interesting things every day."
I love to hear loads of stories about what my child said or did and I feel that her teacher really knows my child well and is genuinely interested in her and who she is as a person. I like the 1:1 meetings with the staff and it is notjust a box ticking exercise. I find the nursery staff genuine which is great.

Children's statements

"Best food I ever had"
"So much fun"

Professionals' statements

"It is a fantastic environment to share food, very peaceful, the children's independence is promoted by allowing them to help themselves with food if they want more. Great food is being provided" - Gemma Milne - health improvement practitioner
"Children have developed secure relationships with the friendly staff team and are happy in the nursery." -(OFSTED , 2013)
"Partnership working is strong; parents feel welcome at the setting and engage in activities. Their views are actively sought and acted upon." -(OFSTED , 2013)

This is what OFSTED said about us in their last inspection 2019

"Parents praise the care and learning their children mreceive and comment on hos much more independent and confident their children are since they attend the setting. Children are happy, settled and feel emotionally secure in their care." -(OFSTED , 2019)
"All groups of children make good progress from their starting point. Staff observe and assess children's development accurately to plan for their next individual next steps. Effective use of tracking data ensures that gaps are closed swiftly." -(OFSTED , 2019)
"Safeguarding is effective and there is a strong culture of safety within the setting [...]. Staff give children good opportunities to develop mathematical and literacy skills, they promote mathematical language during as many activities and experiences as possible. Staff provide a wide range of mark making resources and writing tools indoor and outdoor." -(OFSTED , 2019)
"'Children are happy to talk about what they are doing and persevere to get things right. Older children demonstrate that they are ready for school; they speak clearly, can write their name and simple words, and have built good relationships with each other [...]. Children are confident and keen to communicate in English and Spanish." -(OFSTED , 2019)

What ofsted said about us in their 2016 inspection

Staff know the children very well and children make good progress. Staff guide and extend the children’s learning attentively. They plan interesting activities to support individual children to make progress.

Staff plan interesting and challenging activities that help children to learn and prepare them well for school; Staff plan interesting outings, such as to the local forest, the theatre and other places of interest. Children learn about the world around them and enjoy nature-based activities.

Staff set good examples in how to treat others and children learn to treat each other with respect and are confident with adults.

Children develop a love for books and good early reading habits. They express well through drama, music and art. Children communicate well in Spanish and English. They grow in self-confidence and build on their physical strength and stamina. Children relate to each other easily, care for one another and behave very well.